
Parameteriser is a component that allows users to take advantage of daiquiri's form based parameter creation and validation, and use it output simple yaml files containing the corresponding parameters.

A basic config file is as such:

component: parameteriser
root: parameteriser
    - actor: scircle
    - actor: srect
    - actor: mexafs
    - actor: mxanes

The yaml files will be saved into the current saving directory as so:

base_path + root + parametertype + name

Actors can be groups into types, for example a series of actors to create different types of samples, and a second group to create parameters for measurements. This allows the UI to serve distinct groups of parameters together, and allows editing them.

The actors themselves simply specify a schema to expect, and the actor itself can inherit from ParameteriserActor. For example:

from marshmallow import fields

from daiquiri.core.components.parameteriser import (

class ScircleSchema(ParameteriserActorSchema):
    center_horizontal = fields.Float(
        required=True, metadata={"title": "Center Horizontal"}
    center_vertical = fields.Float(required=True, metadata={"title": "Center Vertical"})
    diameter = fields.Float(required=True, metadata={"title": "Diameter"})

class ScircleActor(ParameteriserActor):
    schema = ScircleSchema
    name = "circle"
    parameter_type = "sample"

If the Meta.uiorder is overwritten then two extra fields should be added:

  • the inherited name field
  • a hidden field overwrite
class ScircleSchema(ParameteriserActorSchema):
    center_horizontal = fields.Float(
        required=True, metadata={"title": "Center Horizontal"}
    center_vertical = fields.Float(required=True, metadata={"title": "Center Vertical"})
    diameter = fields.Float(required=True, metadata={"title": "Diameter"})

    class Meta:
        uiorder = [