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The imageviewer component allows the server to interact with a 2d camera and a series of associated sample stages. It can move marked positions (subsamples) to the beam and execute Actors against a series of coordinates. It can also capture images from the image source and initiate post processing.



The actors configuration section maps the required actors to their corresponding files, key value pairs can be left the same for standard mapping.

  createmap: createmap
  move: move
  mosaic: mosaic
  roiscan: roiscan
  poiscan: poiscan
  loiscan: loiscan

Misc options

# Types of actors from which to launch auto map generation
  - roiscan

# Time in seconds between checking actors
regenerate_interval: 60

# File saving for sample images. 
# For esrf saving policy this should define `dataset` instead
  # Simple saving
  data_filename: "{}_image_{time}"

  # ESRF saving
  dataset: "{}_image_{time}"


Sources define the video source and associated motors for the imageviewer

  - name: vlm
    # The lima device providing video
    device: lima_simulator

    # Url to the video streaming device

    # The hardware object for the zoom
    zoom: beamstop

    # Pixel sizes and focal point position for each zoom
      # The key is a the multiposition value
        # Negative pixel size denotes an image flip
        # The imageviewer expects the image to be defined as bottom left corner as (0,0)
        pixelsize: [-1639.345, -1637.431]

        # The focal point is defined in pixels from the centre of the image
        focalpoint: [-20, 40]

        pixelsize: [-5633.802, -5133.802]
        focalpoint: [-30, 50]

    # Motors are defined in normal x,y,z coordinate system 
    #   (not beamline coordinate system(!))

    # Motor for x translation
    motor_x: m1
    # If units are not defined on the hardware object they must be defined here
    #   Missing units will raise an exception
    motor_x_unit: mm

    # Motor for fine translation (can be ommitted)
    motor_x_fine: pm1
    motor_x_fine_unit: um

    motor_y: m2
    motor_y_unit: mm

    motor_y_fine: pm2
    motor_y_fine_unit: um

    # Motor for z translation (currently unused)
    motor_z: samx
    motor_z_unit: um

    # Any addition motors that should be captured with a `subsample`
      z: samx

    # The angle between the beam and the camera
    beamangle: 28

    # The size of the beam
    beamsize: [0.7e+3, 0.3e+3, 1.0e+3]

    # Whether this image source is the origin (almost always true)
    origin: true

    # Whether to view the camera downstream, or upstream
    downstream: true

In the case where no zoom motor is available a fixed pixel calibration can be provided:

  - name: vlm
    device: lima_simulator
        pixelsize: [-1639.345, -1637.431]
        focalpoint: [-20, 40]

Video streaming

Video streaming is run through a separate service. There is an MPEG based streamer and an MJPEG streamer. The mpeg streamer is recommended as it offers lower latency and better compression.

Scan Types

The scan types part of the configuration file maps specific subsample types to Actors. Valid subsample types are:

  • roi (region of interest)
  • poi (point of interest)
  • loi (line of interest)

This allows the user interface to be specific about which scans it proposes for each subsample type.

    - roiscan
    - poiscan
    - loiscan


The options part of the configuration file allows various things to be enabled/disabled. Currently supported options are the following:

  # show the limits of the translation motors
  polylines: true 
  # Enable the autofocus button (and related actor: autofocus)
  autofocus: true
  # Enable the export button (and related actor: export)
  export: true