
At ESRF the daiquiri related projects should be cloned into:


# ie

Clone the server and client repositories:

git clone
git clone

Build the production ready daiquiri-ui bundle:

conda create -n npm
conda activate npm
conda install nodejs=16

cd daiquiri-ui
npm install
npm run build

Install daiquiri and its requirements:

conda activate daiquiri
cd daiquiri
pip install -e .

Cookiecutter the local repository and install it into the daiquiri environment (with feature/sensible-defaults if required):

conda activate daiquiri
pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter --checkout feature/sensible-defaults
cd daiquiri_idxx
pip install -e .


There are now two configuration cases to consider: beamline deployment and local development.

Beamline Deployment

For beamline deployment, set the meta database password in secrets.yml. Add any relevant hardware devices to hardware.yml, see here for more information on configuring hardware devices.

Local Development

A database is required for local development, this can be provided via mimosa-database, pull the image and start the container:

docker run --name mariadb -p 3306:3306 esrfbcu/mimosa-database:main

The docker container provides a database called test with a session for a beamline called bl. There is no latest tag, so either pull main or a specific version whichever is newer, tags can be found here

Modify the database credentials to connect to the test database, in app.yml:

meta_beamline: bl
meta_staff: bl_staff
meta_user: test
meta_url: localhost:3306/test

and set the password in secrets.yml:

meta_pass: test

The feature/sensible-defaults pre-configures some tango devices, these need to be updated to point to real devices, or removed for local development.

In hardware.yml:

# Hardware objects
  - name: Front End

and remove from the groups:

  - name: Beam

Starting the server

Start the server:

conda activate daiquiri
daiquiri-server-idxx --static-folder=~/local/daiquiri/daiquiri-ui/build

Browse to https://yourhost:8080


Documentation is available for both the python server and the javascript client:


Helper Packages