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HardwareObject base configuration schema

Source code in daiquiri/core/schema/hardware/
class HOConfigSchema(Schema):
    """HardwareObject base configuration schema"""

    name = fields.Str(metadata={"description": "Object name"})
    id = fields.Str(metadata={"description": "Object id"})
    auto_id = fields.Bool(
        metadata={"description": "Whether the id was automatically generated"}
    protocol = fields.Str(metadata={"description": "Protocol handler to use"})
    url = fields.Str(
        metadata={"description": "Url of the device including which protocol to use"}
    require_staff = fields.Bool(
        metadata={"description": "Whether this object requires staff to modify"}
    attributes = fields.Nested(
        metadata={"description": "Attribute configuration for run time schemas"},

    def schema_validate(self, data, **kwargs):
        if not (data.get("protocol") or data.get("url")):
            raise ValidationError(
                "Object must have either a `protocol` or `url` defined"

    def populate(self, data, **kwargs):
        if data.get("url"):
            protocol, rest = data["url"].split("://")
            data["protocol"] = protocol

            if not data.get("id"):
                parts = rest.split("/")
                data["id"] = parts[-1]
                data["auto_id"] = True

        if not data.get("name"):
            data["name"] = data.get("id")

        return data


Name Type Properties Description
attributes Nested Attribute configuration for run time schemas
auto_id Boolean Whether the id was automatically generated
id String Object id
name String Object name
protocol String Protocol handler to use
require_staff Boolean Whether this object requires staff to modify
url String Url of the device including which protocol to use