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Code Style

Code linting uses flake8 and style is enforced using black. To get the right versions, Install the packages with an optional dev dependency:

  • Pip:
pip install .[dev]

CI on the server will automatically enforce style, but not linting. See the CI section for more details.

Setup with docker

The easiest way to set-up a dev environment is to use the docker images provided in mimosa-database and daiquiri-docker. These will provide a prepopulated local database and all needed dependencies (including bliss). These images are availabe on docker hub so can be installed as follows:

docker run -d --name mariadb esrfbcu/mimosa-database:main
docker run -d -v "/path/to/daiquiri:/daiquiri" --rm --link mariadb -p 9032:9032 -p 9030:9030 -p 8080:8080 esrfbcu/daiquiri:main

Thanks to the option -v "/path/to/daiquiri:/daiquiri" that mounts the local project in the docker, local changes to daiquiri are propagated to the docker image for development.

Congratulations, you now have a running instance of daiquiri that can be accessed on http://localhost:8080 and be modified at your will !

Local installation setup

Deal with dependencies

The true lists of dependencies are located in requirements*.txt. They include conda requirements for the project, the tests and the doc to be installed when installing daiquiri for development. These files are also used to set up the project in the CI tasks.

Dependencies in setup.cfg only serve as runtime checks when running daiquiri-server.

Local Database

A local copy of the mimosa database can be installed for development and testing using the mimosa-database image:

docker run --name mariadb -p 3306:3306 esrfbcu/mimosa-database:main

Modify the database credentials to connect to the test database, and set the meta_beamline and meta_staff, in app.yml:

meta_beamline: bl
meta_staff: bl_staff
meta_user: test
meta_url: localhost:4406/test

and set the password in secrets.yml:

meta_pass: test

The local database provides two users: | User | Password | Type | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | abcd | anything | normal user | | efgh | anything | admin user |


Testing uses pytest. As daiquiri has a database dependency, CI based testing will generate a new database on each run. For running tests locally a local empty database is required. Tests will drop the existing database and create a new one each time tests are run.

With docker containers

By using the docker-based setup, the script of daiquiri-docker can be used to have access to a console in the docker container running daiquiri with all needed dependencies.

Tests can then be launched by navigating to the /daiquiri folder and by running
