Continuous Integration
Gitlab CI will run an extensive pipeline upon branch / master commit including:
flake8 for linting
- black for style
bandit for security
coverage for master
swagger/open api specification
- user documentation (these pages)
- redoc api documentation
Update BLISS recipe
For BLISS testing the CI use a pinpointed env (except for BLISS master
containing both Daiquiri and BLISS dependencies.
This ensure faster installation, homogeneity, reproductibilyty and stable installation in the CI machines and in production.
This have to be updated time to time based on the BLISS version.
The BLISS version can be reached from a bliss clone the following way:
The targetted daiquiri environement also includes test depepndencies to simplify debug at beamlines.
When your daiquiri environement is properly tested versus this BLISS version, you can freeze the dependencies in a yaml file the following way:
The file finally have to be cleaned up to remove some metadata and some dependencies
like bliss