Coverage for /opt/conda/envs/apienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/daiquiri/core/metadata/ 34%
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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2from dataclasses import dataclass
3import io
4import gzip
5import json
7import matplotlib as mpl
8import as cm
9import numpy as np
10from PIL import Image
12from daiquiri.core.utils import worker
15def shape_map(map_):
16 """Shapes a 1d XRF map array into the correct 2d image
18 Reorders the data if needbe for snaked collection
19 Reshapes if the data was collected vertically
21 Args:
22 map_ (dict): An XRF map from the metadata handler
24 Returns:
25 data (ndarray): The XRF map data
27 """
28 data = np.array(map_["data"])
30 # TODO: Catch raise
31 if map_.get("orientation") == "vertical":
32 data = data.reshape(int(map_["w"]), int(map_["h"]))
33 data = np.rot90(data)
34 data = np.flipud(data)
35 else:
36 data = data.reshape(int(map_["h"]), int(map_["w"]))
38 # For snaked collection every other row is reversed
39 if map_.get("snaked"):
40 data[1::2, :] = data[1::2, ::-1]
42 return data
45MAP_SCALINGS = {"linear": mpl.colors.Normalize, "logarithmic": mpl.colors.LogNorm}
48def generate_map_image(map_):
49 """Generates a PIL Image from an XRF map
51 -1 placeholder values are converted to a transparent pixel
53 Args:
54 map_ (dict): An XRF map from the metadata handler
56 Returns:
57 image (Image): A PIL image
58 """
60 def generate():
61 data = shape_map(map_)
63 norm_alg = MAP_SCALINGS.get(map_.get("scale", "linear"), MAP_SCALINGS["linear"])
64 # Remove -1 values so map is correctly scaled during scan and without manual scaling
65 filtered_data = data.flatten()[data.flatten() != -1]
66 min_value = map_.get("min")
67 if len(filtered_data):
68 if min_value is None:
69 min_value = np.min(filtered_data)
70 norm = norm_alg(vmin=min_value, vmax=map_.get("max"))
72 colourmap = map_.get("colourmap") or "viridis"
73 if not hasattr(cm, colourmap):
74 colourmap = "viridis"
76 cmap = getattr(cm, colourmap or "viridis")
78 m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
79 img_data = m.to_rgba(data, bytes=True, alpha=map_["opacity"])
81 mask = data == -1
82 img_data[mask, :] = [255, 255, 255, 0]
84 return Image.fromarray(img_data, "RGBA")
86 return worker(generate)
89def generate_composite_image(comp, maps):
90 """Generates a PIL Image from an XRF composite map
92 Args:
93 comp (dict): An XRF composite map from the metadata handler
94 maps (list(dict)): A list of XRF maps from the metadata handler
96 Returns:
97 image (Image): A PIL image
98 """
100 def generate():
101 layers = []
102 for col in ["r", "g", "b"]:
103 map_ = maps[col]
105 data = shape_map(map_)
107 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=map_.get("min"), vmax=map_.get("max"))
108 map_["norm"] = norm(data) * 255 * comp[f"{col}opacity"]
110 layers.append(map_["norm"])
112 layers.append(
113 np.full((int(map_["h"]), int(map_["w"])), round(comp["opacity"] * 255))
114 )
116 img_data = np.dstack(layers).astype(np.uint8)
117 return Image.fromarray(img_data, "RGBA")
119 return worker(generate)
123class AutoScaleMinMax:
124 min: float
125 max: float
128def autoscale_min_max(data):
129 flat = data.flatten()
130 filtered_data = flat[flat != -1]
131 std_dev = np.std(filtered_data)
132 mean = np.mean(filtered_data)
134 return AutoScaleMinMax(min=float(mean - 3 * std_dev), max=float(mean + 3 * std_dev))
137def generate_histogram(data, autoscale: bool = False):
138 """Generates a histogram of map data
140 Args:
141 data(list): The XRF map data
142 autoscale(bool): Whether to autoscale the histogram (bins = mean +/- 3sig)
144 Returns:
145 data: (dict(list)): The histogram, bins, and widths
146 """
148 def generate():
149 nonlocal autoscale
151 ndata = np.array(data)
152 # Remove -1 (transparent) pixels as they skew the histogram
153 rdata = ndata[ndata != -1]
155 if autoscale:
156 values = autoscale_min_max(rdata)
157 rdata = rdata[rdata >= values.min]
158 rdata = rdata[rdata <= values.max]
160 try:
161 hist, bins = np.histogram(rdata, bins=50)
162 center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
163 width = np.diff(bins)
165 # TODO: This should not happen
166 except (OverflowError, ValueError):
167 hist = []
168 center = []
169 width = []
171 return {"hist": hist, "bins": center, "width": width}
173 return worker(generate)
176def gunzip_json(bytes_obj):
177 """Un gzips a bytes object and load into json
179 Args:
180 bytes_obj(BytesIO): The compressed data
182 Returns:
183 data(dict): The decoded json as a python object
184 """
185 if not bytes_obj:
186 return []
188 in_ = io.BytesIO()
189 in_.write(bytes_obj)
191 with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=in_, mode="rb") as fo:
192 gunzipped_bytes_obj =
194 return json.loads(gunzipped_bytes_obj.decode())
197def gzip_json(obj):
198 """Gzips a json dump of a python object
200 Args:
201 obj(dict): An object
203 Returns:
204 data(BytesIO): The binary compressed data
205 """
206 json_str = json.dumps(obj)
208 out = io.BytesIO()
209 with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out, mode="w") as fo:
210 fo.write(json_str.encode())
212 return out.getvalue()