Coverage for /opt/conda/envs/apienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/daiquiri/core/metadata/ispyalchemy/ 70%
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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2import os
4from flask import g
6from sqlalchemy import func
7from daiquiri.core.metadata.ispyalchemy.handler import IspyalchemyHandler
8from daiquiri.core.metadata.ispyalchemy.utils import page, order
11class AutoProcHandler(IspyalchemyHandler):
12 exported = [
13 "get_autoprocprograms",
14 "get_autoprocprogram_attachments",
15 "get_autoprocprogram_messages",
16 ]
18 def get_autoprocprograms(
19 self,
20 autoprocprogramid=None,
21 no_context=None,
22 exclude_sqi=None,
23 datacollectionid=None,
24 sampleid=None,
25 subsampleid=None,
26 **kwargs,
27 ):
28 """
29 Remaining arguments from `kwargs` are passed to `page` function.
30 """
31 with self.session_scope() as ses:
32 autoprocprograms = (
33 ses.query(
34 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
35 self.ProcessingJob.datacollectionid,
36 self.AutoProcProgram.processingstatus.label("status"),
37 self.AutoProcProgram.processingmessage.label("message"),
38 self.AutoProcProgram.processingstarttime.label("starttime"),
39 self.AutoProcProgram.processingendtime.label("endtime"),
40 self.AutoProcProgram.processingprograms.label("programs"),
41 self.ProcessingJob.automatic,
42 func.sum(
43 func.IF(self.AutoProcProgramMessage.severity == "WARNING", 1, 0)
44 ).label("warnings"),
45 func.sum(
46 func.IF(self.AutoProcProgramMessage.severity == "ERROR", 1, 0)
47 ).label("errors"),
48 func.time_to_sec(
49 func.timediff(
50 self.AutoProcProgram.processingendtime,
51 self.AutoProcProgram.processingstarttime,
52 )
53 ).label("duration"),
54 )
55 .outerjoin(
56 self.AutoProcProgramMessage,
57 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.autoprocprogramid
58 == self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
59 )
60 .outerjoin(
61 self.ImageQualityIndicators,
62 self.ImageQualityIndicators.autoprocprogramid
63 == self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
64 )
65 .join(
66 self.ProcessingJob,
67 self.ProcessingJob.processingjobid
68 == self.AutoProcProgram.processingjobid,
69 )
70 .join(
71 self.DataCollection,
72 self.DataCollection.datacollectionid
73 == self.ProcessingJob.datacollectionid,
74 )
75 .join(
76 self.DataCollectionGroup,
77 self.DataCollectionGroup.datacollectiongroupid
78 == self.DataCollection.datacollectiongroupid,
79 )
80 .group_by(self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid)
81 )
83 if not no_context:
84 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
85 self.DataCollectionGroup.sessionid == g.blsession.get("sessionid")
86 )
88 if exclude_sqi:
89 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
90 # Cant use is with sqlalchemy, have to user overloaded ==
91 self.ImageQualityIndicators.imagenumber
92 == None # noqa: E711
93 )
95 if datacollectionid:
96 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
97 self.ProcessingJob.datacollectionid == datacollectionid
98 )
100 if sampleid:
101 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
102 self.DataCollectionGroup.blsampleid == sampleid
103 )
105 if subsampleid:
106 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
107 self.DataCollection.blsubsampleid == subsampleid
108 )
110 if autoprocprogramid:
111 autoprocprograms = autoprocprograms.filter(
112 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid == autoprocprogramid
113 )
114 autoprocprogram = autoprocprograms.first()
115 if autoprocprogram:
116 return autoprocprogram._asdict()
118 else:
119 total = autoprocprograms.count()
120 autoprocprograms = order(
121 autoprocprograms,
122 {
123 "autoprocprogramid": self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
124 },
125 default=["autoprocprogramid", "asc"],
126 **kwargs,
127 )
128 autoprocprograms = page(autoprocprograms, **kwargs)
129 return {
130 "total": total,
131 "rows": [r._asdict() for r in autoprocprograms.all()],
132 }
134 def get_autoprocprogram_attachments(
135 self, autoprocprogramattachmentid=None, **kwargs
136 ):
137 with self.session_scope() as ses:
138 attachments = (
139 ses.query(
140 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.autoprocprogramattachmentid,
141 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
142 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.filename,
143 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.filepath,
144 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.filetype,
145 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.importancerank.label("rank"),
146 )
147 .join(
148 self.AutoProcProgram,
149 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid
150 == self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.autoprocprogramid,
151 )
152 .join(
153 self.ProcessingJob,
154 self.ProcessingJob.processingjobid
155 == self.AutoProcProgram.processingjobid,
156 )
157 .join(
158 self.DataCollection,
159 self.DataCollection.datacollectionid
160 == self.ProcessingJob.datacollectionid,
161 )
162 .join(
163 self.DataCollectionGroup,
164 self.DataCollectionGroup.datacollectiongroupid
165 == self.DataCollection.datacollectiongroupid,
166 )
167 )
169 if not kwargs.get("no_context"):
170 attachments = attachments.filter(
171 self.DataCollectionGroup.sessionid == g.blsession.get("sessionid")
172 )
174 if kwargs.get("autoprocprogramid"):
175 attachments = attachments.filter(
176 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid
177 == kwargs["autoprocprogramid"]
178 )
180 if kwargs.get("autoprocprogramattachmentid"):
181 attachments = attachments.filter(
182 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.autoprocprogramattachmentid
183 == kwargs["autoprocprogramattachmentid"]
184 )
186 if autoprocprogramattachmentid:
187 attachments = attachments.filter(
188 self.AutoProcProgramAttachment.autoprocprogramattachmentid
189 == autoprocprogramattachmentid
190 )
191 attachment = attachments.first()
192 if attachment:
193 attachment = attachment._asdict()
194 attachment["extension"] = (
195 os.path.splitext(attachment["filename"])[1][1:].strip().lower()
196 )
197 attachment["filefullpath"] = os.path.join(
198 attachment["filepath"], attachment["filename"]
199 )
200 return attachment
202 else:
203 total = attachments.count()
204 attachments = page(attachments, **kwargs)
205 return {
206 "total": total,
207 "rows": [r._asdict() for r in attachments.all()],
208 }
210 def get_autoprocprogram_messages(self, autoprocprogrammessageid=None, **kwargs):
211 with self.session_scope() as ses:
212 messages = (
213 ses.query(
214 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.autoprocprogrammessageid,
215 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid,
216 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.recordtimestamp.label("timestamp"),
217 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.severity,
218 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.message,
219 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.description,
220 )
221 .join(
222 self.AutoProcProgram,
223 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid
224 == self.AutoProcProgramMessage.autoprocprogramid,
225 )
226 .join(
227 self.ProcessingJob,
228 self.ProcessingJob.processingjobid
229 == self.AutoProcProgram.processingjobid,
230 )
231 .join(
232 self.DataCollection,
233 self.DataCollection.datacollectionid
234 == self.ProcessingJob.datacollectionid,
235 )
236 .join(
237 self.DataCollectionGroup,
238 self.DataCollectionGroup.datacollectiongroupid
239 == self.DataCollection.datacollectiongroupid,
240 )
241 )
243 if not kwargs.get("no_context"):
244 messages = messages.filter(
245 self.DataCollectionGroup.sessionid == g.blsession.get("sessionid")
246 )
248 if kwargs.get("autoprocprogramid"):
249 messages = messages.filter(
250 self.AutoProcProgram.autoprocprogramid
251 == kwargs["autoprocprogramid"]
252 )
254 if kwargs.get("autoprocprogrammessageid"):
255 messages = messages.filter(
256 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.autoprocprogrammessageid
257 == kwargs["autoprocprogrammessageid"]
258 )
260 if autoprocprogrammessageid:
261 messages = messages.filter(
262 self.AutoProcProgramMessage.autoprocprogrammessageid
263 == autoprocprogrammessageid
264 )
265 message = messages.first()
266 if message:
267 return message._asdict()
269 else:
270 total = messages.count()
271 messages = page(messages, **kwargs)
272 return {"total": total, "rows": [r._asdict() for r in messages.all()]}